Friday, August 31, 2018

How do you move on from losing someone you cared about? Relationships, friendships, family etc.


The most important thing to do once you have lost someone you love whether that be by death or simple outgrowing you must allow yourself time to grief. Feel the pain it is absolutely normal and there should be no shame in doing so. Nowadays we as a society want to rush the process of healing and jump into the next situation as soon as possible. Doing so leaves us more broken then we were when we started. 

It is imperative that you allow your heart and soul to heal from such an emotionally distressing event such as losing someone you cared about no matter how you lost them.

Your first steps should be to get in touch with yourself and really listen to what you need at this time. Everyone needs something different so I can not tell you exactly what you need at this moment but you can. Dedicate time to sitting down and really doing some deep self-reflection, doing so will open you up to what you really need to heal. Because at this point you should be focused on healing from that event. 

Note that healing is not an easy task, it is not rainbows and candy but hard emotional work. Some days it will be amazing and other days it will be terrible. But that's ok because in life balance is essential.

So my major tip to you is just to focus on yourself, your needs, and your healing process. Once the thought of said person does not make you drown in shame, regret, and pain any longer, you know that you have made great progress in your healing and once you get there keep going! 

Journey safely love, we are all rooting for you!

Related post: How to get over him

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ask Zanaé: HOMESICK in College!!!

What’s the best way to deal with being homesick from college?


Being homesick is very common among college students during their first few years at a school. Its a new environment it is not what you are used to but its okay because you will get used to it as time goes on. I have personally experienced homesickness and it made me disconnect from my university. But first, we have to understand that homesickness comes from a need for connection and security. So I would advise you get out there and do things that remind you of home (could be as simple as eating a meal from home or joining an org similar to the one you were in back at home) , make new friends who make you feel good and find new things on campus that fulfill you. And of course, you can end your lovely day with talking to your best friends from back home! 

The biggest thing is to NOT stay in your room!!! Your campus can be more powerful than you may ever know and you can not get to those amazing things is you are sitting in your room wishing to go home!

Make your campus your home away from home, after all, that's exactly what it is, do not be afraid to embrace your lovely campus and all that it has to offer! Connect with it and you may find yourself a lot less homesick

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How do you properly assess your weaknesses in order to become a person with better character? 

I am loving the self-awareness! I am glad you are looking to work on your weaknesses and become a better person. This process can be quite difficult especially when forced so my biggest advice to you is do not force this process just take your time. Good things take time and this is one of those things.

Here are my tips on properly assessing your weaknesses: 

Identify your weaknesses, the first step is self-awareness and I am sure you have already identified what you want to work on. Also, make sure that your weaknesses are truly something you decided you want to work on not what someone else told you to work on because they are not you and they will never completely understand.

Identify your strengths, knowing your strengths is a major plus because you can use them to aid you in working on your weaknesses. As important as it is to know your weaknesses it is equally as important to know your strengths.

Figure out what needs to be done, every weakness takes a special kind of plan to be conquered. It is your job to identify what you need to do in order to turn this weakness into something more desirable for you.

Do the work, sounds simple but can get really complicated while in the mist of it, and that is just fine. Like I said before good things take time and hard work. What doing the work looks like to you will vary with what it looks like to others. So I suggest you do not concern yourself with the work of others. This journey is yours own it, love it, and take care of yourself! Commit to taking the time to work on yourself, you have no time to abandon yourself.

Rid the labels, no one is a "perfect person" every single person has flaws! Often we chase these labels that make us feel like "great people" in the eyes of others and rarely in the eyes of ourselves. Do the work and make sure you feel like you are better without the affirmation of others because who cares what they think?

Do not aspire to labels, aspire to a higher level of yourself!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Ask Zanaé: ."

Hi, im working on myself and trying to be a better me. I’ve always had the constant tendency to over think and over analyze everything! so much so that this summer i almost went crazy, well i got really depressed. im still young and i realized it isnt healthy or smart to stress myself out so much so my new mindset is to be more free and lighthearted. its hard to stick to though, what’s somethings I can do to stay on the right track to happiness?


First, let me say I am extremely proud of you for working to better yourself! I am so glad that you are taking those steps in the right direction. Being an over-thinker can be quite the challenge especially with the pressure of being perfect placed on us nowadays. But remember perfection is impossible!
At the age of 19, 21, 25 and even 30 NOTHING is worth stressing yourself over to the point of losing control, absolutely nothing!
As an over thinker myself I understand the struggle of the overachiever, but if it cost you your mental health it needs to go immediately.

Here are my tips on how to stay on the right track to happiness:

Learn yourself, be aware when you feel yourself starting to become anxious and losing control. Once you are here, take a moment to relax and alter your thoughts.

Ex: "I will never get a 4.0 I just know I can't get it,  I don't even know why I try"
Now let's replace it with: "I will do my best to receive a 4.0 and even if I do not I know I did my best"

Whew! I am significantly less stressed with the latter, how about you? Speak nicely to yourself, encourage yourself, and even if you fall short slightly always do your best and be firm in knowing you did your best!

Alter your mindset, as you stated you want to be more free and lighthearted and that's a great way to be in this life!

Overthinking is caused by fear and self-doubt if we change our mindset from thinking about what could possibly go wrong to all that could go right, we are on our way to a free and lightweight mind!

Ex: "If I fail this test, I will never graduate and never accomplish my goals"
Now let's replace it with: "I will try my best on this test and if I happen to fail I will be sure to do better on the next one"

Failure is inevitable and that's okay because without it we would not be who we are today!

Give yourself a break, please do not burn yourself out stressing the what ifs and why nots! Literally this a recipe for your self-destruction. When you put a timer on the work and all the thinking you are allowing yourself time to be free.

Things to Consider:
  • Meditation 
  • Yoga
  • Journaling
  • Constant exercise
  • Talking with friends 

Debriefing is the key to happiness, if you do not set boundaries on the work you will find yourself working overtime and burning out more than necessary.

Ask yourself this, Will this matter in 5 months, a year or even next month? If the answer is no absolutely not why are you stressing it now? It's easy to get caught in the moment and stress ourselves to the max for something that most likely will have no effect on our lives in the long run.
This is a major key to becoming more happy, identifying what is worth spending time on and what is not.
I challenge you to this, next time you find yourself stressing out ask yourself is this really worth my time and my happiness?

Be in the present moment, life keeps going on and if you are stuck in place you will never get to where you need to be. Leave the past in the past and be present at all times.

Try not to focus too much on what happened back then and what will happen in the future. Take life one day at a time, and accept life comes with many things we have no control over! And that is okay because, in the end, they will all add up!

Again I am super proud of you for choosing to work on yourself! I wish you nothing but the best in your journey to happiness!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The break up! We all been there and done that but for some reason they do not hurt any less than the last time. This one is for all my women out there that has just got their hearts crushed by the "guy of their dreams". In this post I will cover a eight step guide to getting over him and putting your happiness on top!

Lets get right to,

How to get over him!

8 step guide to loving yourself more!

1. Give your heart a break

Give yourself time to breathe and relax, break ups are hard! Do not beat yourself up over it any more than you have to. Trust me it is not worth it at all. Take some time to yourself to understand your emotions, what you have learned, and what your next steps will be. Take time to be vulnerable and let your feelings run through you as they wish. Do not attempt to deny the fact that you are hurt because denial is the first step to losing yourself.

Things to note:

> It is okay to be upset right now
Talk to some friends inform them what's going on and get their help
Do not attempt to fake happiness, as this will drain you even more

2. Don't Rush it!

We are young, and there is plenty of time to worry about your future husband. And even if you are not so young, there's more to life than romantic relationships. Do not worry about finding the next Mr. right so soon let him come to you.

Be so engulf in yourself and your life, that this idea is no longer apart of your everyday thoughts!

3. Remember that you broke up for a reason

No one breaks up for nothing (most of the time), do not deny that this person has caused you pain or that you may have been the one causing that pain. Whether it was cheating, you guys were not as good of a match as you once thought, or you simply out grew each other. Whatever the situation may be, know that the reason is very valid and you are not obligated to stay anywhere that does not make you happy.

Often times after break ups we want to convince ourselves that we need said person but the reality is the only thing you need is water and oxygen. Is he Water or Oxygen? I did not think so! Know that this is not the end of the world though it may feel like it. If this relationship was beneficial for you, you guys would most likely still be hand and hand but you no longer are, and that is worth some thought.

4. Take off those rose color glasses!

Honestly he was not perfect and neither were you, it is easy to make yourself feel like crap swearing that your ex boyfriend was the best thing next to sliced bread! He was not because if he was you will still be with this magical boy!
Those glasses are dangerous and need to be taken off when you are ready to take them off which I hope is sooner rather than later. 
Your ex boyfriend was just a lesson and the many lessons that are soon to come! I want you to know that there will be more of these moments and looking at him as the epitome of a man will not help you move on to the many other things that are waiting for you!

Are you taking those glasses off?

5. Throw your regrets in the trash!!!

At one point this was all you wanted and that is fine! We are all allowed to grow freely and sometimes we out grow the people we felt were made just for us. In that moment of your life he was perfect for you, and now he just is not any more and that's okay.
You may be feeling lots of regret after this break up and understandability so, but there's no room for regret in this life! You did just as you wished and that's all that matters.
Mistakes are inevitable and also impossible to go back and change, but the beauty in that is they do not need to be changed!

Think of it this way:
> Would you be who you are today if you never made all those mistakes?
> Would you be where you are without failures?

Know that what you been through was not for nothing and without mistakes there would rarely be any lesson for us to learn. And what kind of life is that?

6. Be kind to yourself!

He can neglect you but it is important you do not neglect yourself. At this time all your love should be placed solely on you. We all need tender love and care and if you refuse to tend to those needs you will never get over this situation. 
Hug yourself, literally hug yourself right now! Give yourself a nice big squeeze, hold on for as long as you need. Now Isn't that nice?

*Study shows that self-compassion improves overall health btw!*

7. Make A Change!

New situation brand new you! A change does not have to be drastic all the time, something little can make a huge difference in your life. From coloring your hair, getting a new tattoo, speaking up for yourself more or doing something completely outside your comfort zone. Change has no limit! And is completely up to what makes you feel amazing about life and yourself as a whole.

Make that change and take your life back girl!

8. Focus on yourself!

A break up is bad but it also clears up a lot of time for self reflection and self realization. When we are with people it is often difficult to have time to self reflect and learn about the self. Mainly because our focus is on our partner and what makes them happy rather than ourselves especially as women. If this sounds like you and your situation, the time is NOW to focus all on you!

Questions to ask:

What are some things you do not like?
> What makes you happy?
> What makes you smile so hard your cheeks hurt?
> What makes you boil over with passion?

See that smile! It's beautiful right, keep it proudly!

Romance is great, it is but the love of yourself and everything you come with is AMAZING! Taking the time to focus on yourself and learning everything that makes you who you are is the most fulfilling thing next to ice cream! 

The time is absolutely now! Explore your greatness! You deserve that much!


So you are fresh out a break up? Hearts hurting, eyes burning, and feeling lost? It's totally normal, its okay to hurt but try not to stay down for too long, the girl in the mirror is waiting on you! I hope you found this guide helpful and will soon utilize some of the tips provided to keep your happiness on top!

Remember this lovely ladies, losing yourself is never worth keeping him! 

Leave a comment, share with us how you got over a bad breakup.
Peace and love,

Thursday, August 2, 2018


If you want to learn how to make college more affordable for you and your family. This post is surely for you! In this post I will cover 9 ways to get more money for college without having to apply for a loan and potentially breaking your bank, because Ain't no body got time for that!!

Are you ready? Lets go!

Here are nine ways to make college more affordable!

More Money For College

1. Scholarships/Grants!

The best way is to receive a grant or several to help you pay for college. A Grant/Scholarship is a designated amount of money that does not have to be paid back. It beats a loan by 100 percent because it is completely free money for you!
Now its been made clear a lot of people hate the process of searching for scholarships to apply for, writing essays, and filling out applications. I understand it is quite a time consuming process, but ask yourself this. Do you want the money?
*Bonus tip*: Ask your jobs, programs, or school if there is any available scholarships for you to apply for. Doing this cuts the research time in half and allows you have someone you trust for assistance in your process. This is the way that I received most of the scholarships that I have for school currently.

2. Appeal your Financial aid Award!

Yes, you read that right! It is that simple appealing your aid award can get your more money and quick! At the end of the approving process many schools have extra money sitting for someone (like you) to appeal their award. This is known as the FASFA appeal, where you would need to write a formal appeal to your Financial aid office requesting more money and follow up with a phone call or just a phone call alone. But it is highly important that you do not waste any time once your aid awards comes in because money is limited!
Be sure to include:
  • Why you really want to go to said school
  • Reemphasize why you would be a good fit 
  • Thoroughly explain your financial burdens (ex: Medical bills, sudden unemployment)
  • Any changes to your families financial circumstances in the past year

3. Work Study!

Of course work study right? Work study jobs are usually part time aimed to assist students in their many payments. Eligibility depends on your finances(stated from your FAFSA) and the funding available at your school. Work study jobs pay students directly, undergraduate students often work hourly wages with a set amount stated from your FAFSA (be sure to check off work study on your FAFSA) being the max. Meaning you can not exceed the total amount stated on your award package. It may seem limited however, can assist you just fine if you take up the chance.
*Bonus Tip*: Most work study jobs are very simple and you will be able to get your homework done while working. Did you say PAID study hall? I think yes!

4. Outside Jobs

There are several forms of employment on and off campus. Off campus jobs are also a great option to utilize if you need more money or you are not eligible for work study. You can look into jobs at local stores and organizations. They always need help, so why not be that help and get more money for college in the process?

5. Fellowships/Internships

Organizations are looking for new amazing leaders and plenty are looking to hire students in college. Do not pass up these opportunities because they are GOLDEN! You can literally get paid to do what you love or want you wish to learn more about, how amazing is that? Be sure to stay updated on all the opportunities your institution is providing for you because they are there and you can be the one to receive it! 
Examples of these opportunities are:
  • Paid fellowship opportunities (can be available for lower and upper classmen)
  • Paid Internships( they are not just for seniors!!)
There are plenty of fellowships and internships for all majors and all students. You can do it too!

6. Commuting! 

Smart people commute! Room and board is on average about $10,000+ which is a major cost that could be cut out quite easily. If you live close enough to your campus I highly suggest you consider commuting. If you do not and know someone who has an apartment close to campus you can consider rooming with them if there's room. Rent is significantly less than room and board and is worth considering if you are stretched for cash. 

You will not miss much and will most likely spend most of your day on campus anyways. Commuting is a great option don't knock it until you try it!

7. The Side Hustle!

Oh yes! Become your own boss today and for free! Using your nature talents to gain yourself some real money is the best thing you can do. There are plenty of options that you can use to earn more money and on your own time. There is options for everyone from fashion lovers to writers, DO NOT pass them up!
 Looking to become your own boss sign up for these amazing websites and let the money roll in.
  • Poshmark- Have old clothes that you do not want? Sell them now for cash!
  • Fiverr- Have talents that you would like to share with those in need? Sign up now and get started!
  • Ebay- Old items that you need gone? Sell them on Ebay now!
Have any hidden talents? Turn them into money today! You can do it!

8. Reduce Academic Expenses

No you do not need all those books that your class says you need and no you do not need brand new books! The reality is these books that are "needed" usually are never really needed. You can get by and pass that class with A+ without that book so do not waste your time or money. I can not tell you how many times I did not need the book my classes said I needed and wasted my money. DO NOT do it!
Be sure to ask your professor *personally* is the book truly needed in class then buy it do not buy the book before hand. Or you will be very disappointed in your choices because books are not cheap!
 If the books are needed, I would suggest you rent books or buy used ones for a whole lot less. This will serve you just fine!
Also if the book is needed I suggest you find a friend with the book you need and ask to share, Sharing is Caring!

*Bonus Tip:* Be sure to get that book out of here (if you did buy it) by selling it to someone in need. Did you say hustle?? A side hustle indeed!

9.  Crowfunding!!

Remember when I said sharing is caring? It most certainly is and plenty of people are willing to donate to a college student in need, a college student with a dream, and just because. Crowdfunding allows the public to donate to causes and or projects that they support through social media. With that being said do not be ashamed to ask for help because you never know what can happen!

Students have utilized crowdfunding to help fund extreme college expenses and it has worked out well for them.

Some sites include:
  • CommonBond- connects students and alumni investors 
  • Gofundme- connect students to the public through a personal campaign 
  • Indiegogo- allows you to raise money for whatever you need. 
Sign up now, promote your campaign and watch college expenses disappear!


See! Loans are not the only way to get real money for college, and you most certainly do not have to break your bank to ensure you get a degree. I hope you found these tips helpful and easy to read, but most of all I hope you look to take action next year or even this year. Your bank account will be happy for it! 

Leave a comment share with us what ways you have made college more affordable for you!
Peace and love,