Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Ask Zanaé: How to assess your weaknesses?

How do you properly assess your weaknesses in order to become a person with better character? 

I am loving the self-awareness! I am glad you are looking to work on your weaknesses and become a better person. This process can be quite difficult especially when forced so my biggest advice to you is do not force this process just take your time. Good things take time and this is one of those things.

Here are my tips on properly assessing your weaknesses: 

Identify your weaknesses, the first step is self-awareness and I am sure you have already identified what you want to work on. Also, make sure that your weaknesses are truly something you decided you want to work on not what someone else told you to work on because they are not you and they will never completely understand.

Identify your strengths, knowing your strengths is a major plus because you can use them to aid you in working on your weaknesses. As important as it is to know your weaknesses it is equally as important to know your strengths.

Figure out what needs to be done, every weakness takes a special kind of plan to be conquered. It is your job to identify what you need to do in order to turn this weakness into something more desirable for you.

Do the work, sounds simple but can get really complicated while in the mist of it, and that is just fine. Like I said before good things take time and hard work. What doing the work looks like to you will vary with what it looks like to others. So I suggest you do not concern yourself with the work of others. This journey is yours own it, love it, and take care of yourself! Commit to taking the time to work on yourself, you have no time to abandon yourself.

Rid the labels, no one is a "perfect person" every single person has flaws! Often we chase these labels that make us feel like "great people" in the eyes of others and rarely in the eyes of ourselves. Do the work and make sure you feel like you are better without the affirmation of others because who cares what they think?

Do not aspire to labels, aspire to a higher level of yourself!

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