Saturday, September 29, 2018

Girl! Are you aligning yourself with your oppressor!?

Girl! Are you aligning yourself with your oppressor!?

The "pick me's" as we know them, they are known for aligning themselves alongside their oppressors. And why is that? Well, the only answer is the infamous pick me has internalized misogyny and in turn, allowed herself and her rights as a human to come second. Plenty of us at one point of our lives or another have aggressively aligned ourselves with those who did not have OUR best interest at heart. Why? Well because it is natural to align yourself with something that has power over you in hopes that they see you as a person for once. But the sad truth is they never will!

 Let's remember that because it is natural does not mean it's not dangerous, because essentially it is very dangerous to constantly attempt to make yourself appealing to people who could care less about you. 

We see things like "well I cook, clean, slave, and die for my man" come out the mouths of women as if this is what makes them a woman. I am here to tell you that, that is absolutely not true. You are no maid so why align yourself with people who make you feel like one? Your job as a woman is not to slave for men, it is to love yourself and find your calling. DO NOT allow silly men and boys to convince you your only purpose in life is to be an accessory to them.

How does one internalize misogyny? 

Believe it or not, it is pretty simple, many girls internalize misogyny at a very young age due to socialization and gender norms. For example, we teach young girls to make themselves appealing to young boys and to learn the duties of a "wife". Yet we do not do the same to young boys, gender norms take a huge toll on social development. And in turn, this is how many women have internalized misogyny. 

How do I know if I have internalized misogyny?

Be cautious of the way you speak about yourself and other women and the way you feel about them. This will tell you if you have internalized misogyny or not misogyny causes a sense of resentment and anger towards women. It can be displayed through nasty comments, belittling, telling lies, and thinking you are better because "men choose you". Let me be the first to say being chosen by a man is no accomplishment ladies!

How do I stop internalizing misogyny?

This takes hard work, self-reflection, self-discipline and time!! Things that have been internalized will not leave you whenever you no longer want it there. It is ingrained in your mind and will only be removed through dedication which I am sure you are willing to work on since you are here
But reversing the effects of internalized misogyny will feel weird at first, showing respect for other women, yourself, and realizing men are not all they are cracked up to be will slap you in your face for sure. But this slap is well worth it!